Learning to walk is serious business, but serious business can be a lot of fun.
And the more fun, the easier it is to learn. That's what KIDMOCS® are all about.
Those first steps open a whole world of exploration and it's a great idea to do it right.
We think barefoot is a good start. After that a little soft-shoe is appropriate to provide
plenty of flexibility, protection and comfort, while natural walking patterns develop.
So, we created our KIDMOCS® to be sensible; and then we made being sensible, entertaining.
With KIDMOCS®, we can be playful and practical in one simple step.
That's how we, at Leatherwise, take our business seriously. Since 1980, Santa Cruz, CA
has been our KIDMOCS® capital and we've worked together enthusiastically to make parenting
and kidding more intelligent and spirited. We welcome and appreciate your feedback.
Ross Levoy
Retail information / Kidmoc Benefits